To understand these two phrases you have to know how to interpret them, without taking them literally. “Valar Morghulis” phrase was spoken for the first time, in season two of the Game of Thrones series, by Jaqen H’ghar, after he helped Arya to escape from Harrenhal. Most people fail to see a deeper message in it, thinking about death as something negative and scary. The other person will respond to the greeting with “Valar Dohaeris”, implying that everyone must serve their purpose in life before dying. When someone says “Valar Morghulis”, they are acknowledging the finality of death. Titan of Braavos, the infamous House of Black and White, and the Iron Bank are among its most prominent features. Not only does it lie to the north, it is the most fertile and also arguably the most powerful city of the shipwrights, made up of hundreds of small islands that are linked by bridges of stone. “Valar Morghulis” is a greeting in High Valyrian language used in Braavos, one of the nine Free Cities of Essos, located to the east of Westeros.
What Does Valar Morghulis Coin Mean? Is “Valar Morghulis” a Greeting?